Coverage Summary for Class: NonRecursiveGrantGlobalResourcePermissionSysPersister (com.acciente.oacc.sql.internal.persister)

Class Class, % Method, % Line, %
NonRecursiveGrantGlobalResourcePermissionSysPersister 100% (1/ 1) 100% (6/ 6) 88.7% (141/ 159)

1 /* 2  * Copyright 2009-2018, Acciente LLC 3  * 4  * Acciente LLC licenses this file to you under the 5  * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you 6  * may not use this file except in compliance with the 7  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 8  * 9  * 10  * 11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in 12  * writing, software distributed under the License is 13  * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES 14  * OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 15  * See the License for the specific language governing 16  * permissions and limitations under the License. 17  */ 18 package com.acciente.oacc.sql.internal.persister; 19  20 import com.acciente.oacc.Resource; 21 import com.acciente.oacc.ResourcePermission; 22 import com.acciente.oacc.sql.SQLProfile; 23 import; 24 import; 25 import; 26 import; 27  28 import; 29 import java.sql.SQLException; 30 import java.util.ArrayList; 31 import java.util.Collections; 32 import java.util.HashMap; 33 import java.util.HashSet; 34 import java.util.List; 35 import java.util.Map; 36 import java.util.Set; 37  38 public class NonRecursiveGrantGlobalResourcePermissionSysPersister extends CommonGrantGlobalResourcePermissionSysPersister implements Serializable { 39  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 40  41  public NonRecursiveGrantGlobalResourcePermissionSysPersister(SQLProfile sqlProfile, 42  SQLStrings sqlStrings) { 43  super(sqlProfile, sqlStrings); 44  } 45  46  @Override 47  public Set<Resource> getResourcesByGlobalSysPermission(SQLConnection connection, 48  Resource accessorResource, 49  Id<ResourceClassId> resourceClassId, 50  ResourcePermission resourcePermission) { 51  if (!resourcePermission.isSystemPermission()) { 52  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Permission: " + resourcePermission + " is not a system permission"); 53  } 54  55  SQLStatement statement = null; 56  try { 57  // first get all the resources from which the accessor inherits any permissions 58  final Set<Id<ResourceId>> accessorResourceIds 59  = NonRecursivePersisterHelper.getInheritedAccessorResourceIds(sqlStrings, connection, accessorResource); 60  61  // second, get all the domains the accessors directly have the specified global permission to 62  SQLResult resultSet; 63  Set<Id<DomainId>> directGlobalDomains = new HashSet<>(); 64  statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlStrings.SQL_findInGrantGlobalResourcePermissionSys_withoutInheritance_ResourceDomainID_BY_AccessorID_ResourceClassID_SysPermissionID_IsWithGrant); 65  66  for (Id<ResourceId> accessorResourceId : accessorResourceIds) { 67  statement.setResourceId(1, accessorResourceId); 68  statement.setResourceClassId(2, resourceClassId); 69  statement.setResourceSystemPermissionId(3, resourcePermission.getSystemPermissionId()); 70  statement.setBoolean(4, resourcePermission.isWithGrantOption()); 71  resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); 72  73  while ( { 74  directGlobalDomains.add(resultSet.getResourceDomainId("DomainId")); 75  } 76  resultSet.close(); 77  } 78  closeStatement(statement); 79  80  // then get all resources of the specified class for each of the direct domain's descendants 81  Set<Resource> resources = new HashSet<>(); 82  statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlStrings.SQL_findInResource_withoutInheritance_ResourceId_ExternalId_BY_ResourceClassID_DomainID); 83  84  for (Id<DomainId> directDomainId: directGlobalDomains) { 85  Set<Id<DomainId>> descendentDomainIds 86  = NonRecursivePersisterHelper.getDescendantDomainIdsOrderedByAscendingLevel(sqlStrings, 87  connection, 88  directDomainId); 89  for (Id<DomainId> descendentDomainId : descendentDomainIds) { 90  statement.setResourceClassId(1, resourceClassId); 91  statement.setResourceDomainId(2, descendentDomainId); 92  resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); 93  94  while ( { 95  resources.add(resultSet.getResource("ResourceId", "ExternalId")); 96  } 97  resultSet.close(); 98  } 99  } 100  101  return resources; 102  } 103  catch (SQLException e) { 104  throw new RuntimeException(e); 105  } 106  finally { 107  closeStatement(statement); 108  } 109  } 110  111  @Override 112  public Set<Resource> getResourcesByGlobalSysPermission(SQLConnection connection, 113  Resource accessorResource, 114  Id<ResourceClassId> resourceClassId, 115  Id<DomainId> resourceDomainId, 116  ResourcePermission resourcePermission) { 117  if (!resourcePermission.isSystemPermission()) { 118  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Permission: " + resourcePermission + " is not a system permission"); 119  } 120  121  SQLStatement statement = null; 122  try { 123  // first get all the resources from which the accessor inherits any permissions 124  final Set<Id<ResourceId>> accessorResourceIds 125  = NonRecursivePersisterHelper.getInheritedAccessorResourceIds(sqlStrings, connection, accessorResource); 126  127  // second, get all the domains the accessors directly have the specified global permission to 128  SQLResult resultSet; 129  Set<Id<DomainId>> directGlobalDomains = new HashSet<>(); 130  statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlStrings.SQL_findInGrantGlobalResourcePermissionSys_withoutInheritance_ResourceDomainID_BY_AccessorID_ResourceClassID_SysPermissionID_IsWithGrant); 131  132  for (Id<ResourceId> accessorResourceId : accessorResourceIds) { 133  statement.setResourceId(1, accessorResourceId); 134  statement.setResourceClassId(2, resourceClassId); 135  statement.setResourceSystemPermissionId(3, resourcePermission.getSystemPermissionId()); 136  statement.setBoolean(4, resourcePermission.isWithGrantOption()); 137  resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); 138  139  while ( { 140  directGlobalDomains.add(resultSet.getResourceDomainId("DomainId")); 141  } 142  resultSet.close(); 143  } 144  closeStatement(statement); 145  146  Set<Id<DomainId>> requestedAncestorDomainIds 147  = NonRecursivePersisterHelper.getAncestorDomainIds(sqlStrings, connection, resourceDomainId); 148  Set<Id<DomainId>> requestedDescendentDomainIds 149  = NonRecursivePersisterHelper.getDescendantDomainIdsOrderedByAscendingLevel(sqlStrings, 150  connection, 151  resourceDomainId); 152  Set<Id<DomainId>> effectiveDomainIds = Collections.emptySet(); 153  154  // let's see if we have global permissions on an ancestor of the requested domain, first 155  for (Id<DomainId> directDomainId: directGlobalDomains) { 156  if (requestedAncestorDomainIds.contains(directDomainId)) { 157  // because we have global permissions on an ancestor of the requested domain, 158  // we have access to all resources of any sub-domain of the requested domain 159  effectiveDomainIds = requestedDescendentDomainIds; 160  break; 161  } 162  } 163  164  if (effectiveDomainIds.isEmpty()){ 165  // we did not have global permission on an ancestor of the requested domain, so let's 166  // find the highest level sub-domain of the requested domain to which we have global permission 167  for (Id<DomainId> requestedDescendentDomainId : requestedDescendentDomainIds) { 168  if (directGlobalDomains.contains(requestedDescendentDomainId)) { 169  effectiveDomainIds 170  = NonRecursivePersisterHelper.getDescendantDomainIdsOrderedByAscendingLevel(sqlStrings, 171  connection, 172  requestedDescendentDomainId); 173  break; 174  } 175  } 176  } 177  178  // now let's collect all the resources for those sub-domains to which we effectively have global permissions 179  Set<Resource> resources = new HashSet<>(); 180  statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlStrings.SQL_findInResource_withoutInheritance_ResourceId_ExternalId_BY_ResourceClassID_DomainID); 181  for (Id<DomainId> effectiveDomainId : effectiveDomainIds) { 182  statement.setResourceClassId(1, resourceClassId); 183  statement.setResourceDomainId(2, effectiveDomainId); 184  resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); 185  186  while ( { 187  resources.add(resultSet.getResource("ResourceId", "ExternalId")); 188  } 189  resultSet.close(); 190  } 191  192  return resources; 193  } 194  catch (SQLException e) { 195  throw new RuntimeException(e); 196  } 197  finally { 198  closeStatement(statement); 199  } 200  } 201  202  @Override 203  public Set<ResourcePermission> getGlobalSysPermissionsIncludeInherited(SQLConnection connection, 204  Resource accessorResource, 205  Id<ResourceClassId> resourceClassId, 206  Id<DomainId> resourceDomainId) { 207  SQLStatement statement = null; 208  try { 209  // first get all the resources from which the accessor inherits any permissions 210  final Set<Id<ResourceId>> accessorResourceIds 211  = NonRecursivePersisterHelper.getInheritedAccessorResourceIds(sqlStrings, connection, accessorResource); 212  213  // get the ancestors of the specified domain, to which the accessors could also have permissions 214  final Set<Id<DomainId>> ancestorDomainIds 215  = NonRecursivePersisterHelper.getAncestorDomainIds(sqlStrings, connection, resourceDomainId); 216  217  // now collect the sys-permissions any accessor resource has to the specified domain or its ancestors 218  SQLResult resultSet; 219  Set<ResourcePermission> resourcePermissions = new HashSet<>(); 220  statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlStrings.SQL_findInGrantGlobalResourcePermissionSys_withoutInheritance_SysPermissionID_IsWithGrant_BY_AccessorID_AccessedDomainID_ResourceClassID); 221  222  for (Id<ResourceId> accessorResourceId : accessorResourceIds) { 223  for (Id<DomainId> domainId : ancestorDomainIds) { 224  statement.setResourceId(1, accessorResourceId); 225  statement.setResourceDomainId(2, domainId); 226  statement.setResourceClassId(3, resourceClassId); 227  resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); 228  229  while ( { 230  resourcePermissions.add(getResourceSysPermission(resultSet)); 231  } 232  resultSet.close(); 233  } 234  } 235  return resourcePermissions; 236  } 237  catch (SQLException e) { 238  throw new RuntimeException(e); 239  } 240  finally { 241  closeStatement(statement); 242  } 243  } 244  245  @Override 246  public Map<String, Map<String, Set<ResourcePermission>>> getGlobalSysPermissionsIncludeInherited(SQLConnection connection, 247  Resource accessorResource) { 248  SQLStatement statement = null; 249  try { 250  // first get all the resources from which the accessor inherits any permissions 251  final Set<Id<ResourceId>> accessorResourceIds 252  = NonRecursivePersisterHelper.getInheritedAccessorResourceIds(sqlStrings, connection, accessorResource); 253  254  // second, get all the global resource permissions the accessors directly have access to 255  SQLResult resultSet; 256  Map<String, Map<String, Set<ResourcePermission>>> globalSysPermissionsMap = new HashMap<>(); 257  258  statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlStrings.SQL_findInGrantGlobalResourcePermissionSys_withoutInheritance_ResourceDomainName_ResourceClassName_SysPermissionID_IsWithGrant_BY_AccessorID); 259  260  for (Id<ResourceId> accessorResourceId : accessorResourceIds) { 261  statement.setResourceId(1, accessorResourceId); 262  resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); 263  264  while ( { 265  final String resourceDomainName = resultSet.getString("DomainName"); 266  final String resourceClassName = resultSet.getString("ResourceClassName"); 267  268  Map<String, Set<ResourcePermission>> permissionsForResourceDomain 269  = globalSysPermissionsMap.get(resourceDomainName); 270  if (permissionsForResourceDomain == null) { 271  permissionsForResourceDomain = new HashMap<>(); 272  globalSysPermissionsMap.put(resourceDomainName, permissionsForResourceDomain); 273  } 274  275  Set<ResourcePermission> permissionsForResourceClass 276  = permissionsForResourceDomain.get(resourceClassName); 277  if (permissionsForResourceClass == null) { 278  permissionsForResourceClass = new HashSet<>(); 279  permissionsForResourceDomain.put(resourceClassName, permissionsForResourceClass); 280  } 281  282  permissionsForResourceClass.add(getResourceSysPermission(resultSet)); 283  } 284  resultSet.close(); 285  } 286  closeStatement(statement); 287  statement = null; 288  289  // then apply each domain's direct permissions to all its descendants 290  // !! DON'T UPDATE THE PERMISSION-MAP WHILE ITERATING OVER ITS KEY-SET !! (get a copy of the key-set instead) 291  Set<String> directDomainNames = new HashSet<>(globalSysPermissionsMap.keySet()); 292  for (String directDomainName : directDomainNames) { 293  Set<String> descendentDomains = NonRecursivePersisterHelper.getDescendantDomainNames(sqlStrings, 294  connection, 295  directDomainName); 296  297  for (String descendentDomain : descendentDomains) { 298  Map<String, Set<ResourcePermission>> permissionsForResourceDomain 299  = globalSysPermissionsMap.get(descendentDomain); 300  if (permissionsForResourceDomain == null) { 301  permissionsForResourceDomain = new HashMap<>(); 302  globalSysPermissionsMap.put(descendentDomain, permissionsForResourceDomain); 303  } 304  305  if (!descendentDomain.equals(directDomainName)) { 306  final Map<String, Set<ResourcePermission>> sourceResourceClassPermissionsMap 307  = globalSysPermissionsMap.get(directDomainName); 308  309  for (String resourceClassName : sourceResourceClassPermissionsMap.keySet()) { 310  Set<ResourcePermission> permissionsForResourceClass 311  = permissionsForResourceDomain.get(resourceClassName); 312  if (permissionsForResourceClass == null) { 313  permissionsForResourceClass = new HashSet<>(); 314  permissionsForResourceDomain.put(resourceClassName, permissionsForResourceClass); 315  } 316  317  permissionsForResourceClass.addAll(sourceResourceClassPermissionsMap.get(resourceClassName)); 318  } 319  } 320  } 321  } 322  323  return globalSysPermissionsMap; 324  } 325  catch (SQLException e) { 326  throw new RuntimeException(e); 327  } 328  finally { 329  closeStatement(statement); 330  } 331  } 332  333  @Override 334  public void removeAllGlobalSysPermissions(SQLConnection connection, 335  Id<DomainId> accessedDomainId) { 336  SQLStatement statement = null; 337  try { 338  // get descendant domain Ids 339  List<Id<DomainId>> descendantDomainIds 340  = new ArrayList<>(NonRecursivePersisterHelper.getDescendantDomainIdsOrderedByAscendingLevel(sqlStrings, 341  connection, 342  accessedDomainId)); 343  344  // delete domains' accessors (in reverse order of domainLevel, to preserve FK constraints) 345  statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlStrings.SQL_removeInGrantGlobalResourcePermissionSys_BY_AccessedDomainId); 346  347  for (int i=descendantDomainIds.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { 348  statement.setResourceDomainId(1, descendantDomainIds.get(i)); 349  statement.executeUpdate(); 350  } 351  } 352  catch (SQLException e) { 353  throw new RuntimeException(e); 354  } 355  finally { 356  closeStatement(statement); 357  } 358  } 359 }